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Why Do People Get Hit by Lightning?

November 1st, 2018 by

According to research from the National Weather Service, lightning strikes an average of 25 million times a year in the United States alone. While most of these strikes are harmless, an average of 47 people are killed after being struck by lightning every year. But why does lightning strike at all—and what causes humans to […]

3 Lessons to Teach Children About Electricity

September 28th, 2018 by

Kids are curious—and their curiosity can sometimes get them into trouble. If you have a young son or daughter, teaching them about the power of electricity early can help them avoid dangerous situations in the future. Read on to learn three safety lessons that every parent should teach their little ones about electricity.

3 Things Everyone Should Know About Power Surges

September 4th, 2018 by

Most people have experienced the familiar light flicker that comes along with a power surge. Though most homeowners think of power surges as little more than an everyday annoyance, the truth is that power surges can actually be much more dangerous than we think. But what exactly is a power surge? How can home and […]

3 of the Most Common Summer Electrical Problems

August 8th, 2018 by

Most of us remember what it was once like to have a power outage in your home. In the days before smartphones, laptops, and even simple internet connections, having the electricity go out could often be a real hassle.

5 Tips to Lower Your Energy Bill This Summer

June 25th, 2018 by

As home air conditioning use rises with summer heat waves, your monthly energy bill will also start to climb. That’s why now is the right time to start thinking about how you can use less electricity and save some cash. At A-1 Electric, we have bucket truck services in Bucks County that will save you […]