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Reintroduction of Service in PA Minimizes Electrical Hazards

In Pennsylvania, an electrical inspection may be required to have electricity turned on by an energy company. This is because the electrical system needs to be deemed as safe before the power can be restored, so that people and buildings will be protected from hazardous circumstances. This type of electrical inspection is known as “reintroduction of service” or “re-intro” for short. There are various electrical situations that require a re-intro performed in both residential and commercial properties. If you are not familiar with what a re-intro is or why you need it, we are here to help!




Re-intros must be conducted by a certified electrical underwriter (we are certified with the Commonwealth of PA) who will issue a certificate stating that the electrical system abides by the National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements. To make sure that the inspection is completely unbiased, the electrical underwriters of a third party agency are hired to complete the task in connection with the specific utility company. An electrical contractor would not be able to perform a re-intro because it would cause confliction between authorities having jurisdiction, especially if they are doing work on the same property.


To have your electrical service in Bucks County, PA restored, a reintroduction of service is necessary for multiple situations.


  • The electricity has been shut off for more than six months in a commercial building, apartment, or home
  • A fire has occurred in the dwelling
  • The property suffered damages due to a storm or other emergency
  • The electrical system was replaced (requires a permit for which the agency would be listed as the inspection company)



A fee is charged for the inspection but the price varies depending on whether the building is residential or non-residential. During the inspection for the re-intro, components of the electrical system are checked for any issues or errors. The electrical underwriter will make sure that:


  • All components are firmly attached to the building
  • Electrical parts are in good condition
  • The meter socket and service entry cable are not worn or cracked
  • The breaker panel has used openings, correct breaker sizes or wiring, and double taps on breakers (unless manufacturer permits it)
  • Structural integrity is in place
  • The grounding and bonding are accurate and secure


The inspection for re-intro only takes about fifteen minutes and if the electrical system is approved, the required certificate will be sent to the utility company. However, if issues are detected and the inspection fails, a list of repairs required to comply with code requirements is provided. Once those repairs are fixed, another inspection must be scheduled. If you need reintroduction of service, give us a call today, as we are a certified third party agency in PA. In fact, we are recommended first by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry for electrical inspection!

An Incorrectly Installed Generator Can Cause Multiple Hazards

Generators are a lifesaver when the power goes out, providing an alternative source of energy without any major disruption, but not if they are installed incorrectly. Permanent generators need to be installed by an experienced electrician because the task entails the handling of complex wiring and components. However, even experts make mistakes – and that includes electricians. That’s why there are state codes and regulations in place that require generators to be inspected before the installation can be initiated. Before a generator installation project can be approved in Pennsylvania, a third party agency must be hired to review the stamped set of plans so that a permit can be issued for the work.


To ensure the safety of contractors, residents and employees, permanent generators must be installed properly so that hazardous situations can be prevented. Third party agencies make sure that the permanent generator installation will be accurate and that the genset will operate safely in its location. If safety issues are detected or if a safety code is being disobeyed during the inspection, the problem can then be assessed promptly.


It may seem like having a generator installed is a lengthy and tedious process, but there is good reasoning for it. If generator installations are not inspected, an accidental error could result in injury or death. All it takes is for one of these dangerous outcomes to arise.


Back Feeding

A “back feed” is a hazardous electric current that can cause a serious arc flash and arc blast at the service equipment, which can critically injure people who come into contact with it, as well as damage utility equipment and personal property. This can happen when the generator’s electric wiring is not connected to the transfer switch and or service equipment correctly. This is just one of the many reasons why the installation of a genset – no matter what size – should be handled by a licensed contractor and inspected by an accredited 3rd party agency.


Poisonous Carbon Monoxide Gas

Backup generators exhaust poisonous carbon monoxide gas that, if breathed in, can be fatal. Therefore, the generator must be installed so that it has enough access to air and the exhaust is vented. Also, the state’s codes require the generator to be placed a certain distance from all vents, doors and window openings of a building.


Explosion and Fire

A generator that is improperly installed could explode or spark a fire. Some standby generators that have exploded or caught on fire were found to be a result of incorrect wiring. However, a thorough inspection by a third party agency can avoid such circumstances.


More and more residential and commercial property owners are choosing to invest in a permanent generator so that they can have continuous power. Don’t let your investment go to waste by letting an improper installation happen. We are a third party agency certified by the Commonwealth of PA that can provide your generator project with an inspection to ensure that the installation will be correct and safe. Call us at 1-800-401-6114.


**note: If we are hired to do the electrical work for the generator, we cannot also provide inspection services as a generator inspector in Philadelphia, as it will conflict with the AHJs.